About NyleveEiram

Be the Voice for the voiceless. Motivate people to be better and do better with their lives. "If I Can Beat a Brain Tumor, What Makes You Think, I am Going to Let Life Beat Me?" Nyleve Eiram- 2017

Nyleve Eiram Media is a Activist turned Journalist, Motivational Speaker and icon in the Twin Cities of Minnesota. She is a first Generation College Graduate at Saint Paul College and pursing her Bachelors degree at the UOFMN. In her early years Nyleve experienced racism, bullying and suicidal thoughts. Like many in her position her only outlet was music, weather it was playing the Flute or Piano. She later turned to Poetry in the 6th grade. She would also survived a brain tumor in 2014. Which later lead her to write her first book in 2017 called "How I survived a Brain Tumor?" Two more books would later be written in a series called "Nyleve: Painted By Poetry."

Nyleve just also started her journey as a soon to be owner of an assist dog. She hopes to help spread the awareness of Services Animals and the ableism that goes on in the towards the Disability community. Nyleve wish to continue to pursue her public public speaking in motivating others to be better and to do better. She will also continue her volunteerism with NdCAD a local program which helps Black Families teach their children's of African Decent to Read and write.

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